Polynum Insulation

Sound Barrier

Polynum™ Sound: Fiber-free, thermo-acoustic cellular reflective barrier. Polynum Sound is made of  single or double Big acoustic polymer bubbles and two  aluminum Reflective layers. Our innovative heavy weight acoustic bubble covered with high resistance aluminum foil combines both, strong sound barrier and radiant heat reflection in a single product. Weight between 1kg/m2 (single bubble) to 2kg/m2 (double bubbles) Polynum™ Sound meets todays demand for multi function and smart products.


High Thermal resistance (R-value)
Heavy duty, extra strong product
Non-itchy. FDA, HACCP and BRC approved
Does not attract nesting, rodents, birds, or pests.
moisture proof, fungus and mold free
Antistatic, does not collect dust, does not retain bacteria, odors nor dirt
Hypoallergenic, non-crumbling material, no airborne micro particles, does not create respiratory problems

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Polynum Sound